Contact | Biography

Please feel free to contact me by email for any interest & job inquiries:


tomihirokono (at)

Order Bespoke Wig:
Please feel free to contact by Email or DM @tomikono_wig for your bespoke wig order.

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-Hair Style

I can do from a full lace bespoke wig (higher in price) to a made-to-order fancy wigs (reasonable prices).
Order original-shaped Wig Cage:
Please feel free to contact by Email or DM @tomikono_wig if you'd like to order wig cage in your ideal shape.

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Tomihiro is an hair artist hailing from Japan, whose work ranges from hair styling, head prop design, to wig making. He has started his career as a hair dresser 20 years ago. After having trained hair cutting techniques as a hair dresser for about 10 years in Japan, he moved to London in 2007. There he started working as a session hair stylist, and began making head props, seeking for his distictive style, and also to blur the boundary between hair styling & head wear designs. His aim was to widen the potential of a sigle hair stylist’s work.

Since 2013, Tomihiro is based in New York. After having collaborated with Junya Watanabe comme des garcons between Fall 2014 - Fall 2017 Paris collections, In April 2017, he published his own book about his head prop designs, titled HEAD PROP studies 2013-2016.

Not long after that that Tomihiro started shifting to wig making. He’s best known for these wigs, and ‘head props,’ as his recent book is titled, documenting his work and creative process of his Head prop archives between 2013-2016. This book is a way of creating an archive of his work, he’s also earnest to share the craft behind the designs. Though many artists are usually reluctant to give an audience a peek behind the curtain, Tomihiro is more interested in generating an interest in the traditions of Japanese craft, even if it’s at the expense of keeping his methods proprietary. “I’m selftaught in terms of craftsmanship,” he said. “I learnt Japanese hairdressing of Geisha hairstyles from a Japanese master, who was [also] self-taught; because of that, I thought I could learn by myself.”

He has started engaging in wig making in 2016, and has produced quite a lot of pieces. A lot of the times when making wigs, he refer inspirations to fashion history. The Marie Antoinette link is easy to make, as the Rococo-era bouffants were at their (literal) height of extravagance, and Tomihiro’s creations often bring those same elements of fantasy and whimsy. “I would say I’m more inspired by the history itself rather than a single Antoinette style,” he said. “Victorian wigs are no longer able to be seen in any museums. It is fascinating for me to recreate [them] imagining how they had been made in the old days.” “I am basically into acquiring professional techniques and skills, like I did when I started hair cutting,” he continued, “I think I have an artisan mind.”

Tomi continues to push boundaries as an inventive and cutting edge hair, wigs and head props stylist.

Tomihiro Kono’s book Head Prop: Studies 2013–2016,
Konomad Editions,
河野富広 プロフィール

2020 ニューヨークより帰国。2021現在東京を拠点に活動
愛媛県出身。日本でのサロンワークで美容師として10年ほどキャリアを積む。 日本の伝統的技術を学ぶため、十日会にて日本髪(結髪)の手ほどきを受けたのち、 2007年に渡英してセッションスタヘアスタイリストとして活動を始める. 自己のスタイルを追求していくうちに、作品のコンセプトに基づいたウィッグやヘッドピースを制作し始める。 それはまたたく間にロンドンのファッションスタイリストやアーティストの間で話題になり、 ほどなく「ヘア・アンド・ヘッドプロップアーティスト」という独自の肩書を確立する。 2010年にLondon fashion weekで映像とパフォーマンスを駆使したコレクションをTOMIHIRO KONOとして発表する。 モデルは自らストリートキャスティングし、演出・構成・照明など総合的にディレクションを手掛ける。 その後、拠点をニューヨークに移した2013年~2016年の間、JUNYA WATANABE コムデギャルソンのパリコレのショーのための ヘア&ヘッドプロップディレクションを担当し、ウィメンズ・メンズ含め9回のショーのためにコンセプチュアルなヘッドプロップ作品を生み出す。 それらのデザインアイデア、プロセスを一冊にまとめた本、HEAD PROP studies 2013-2016を自費出版。出版社konomad editionsを立ち上げる。

2016年ごろより現在はウィッグメイキングに集中的に取り組みながら、ヘアの表現の幅を広げている。 近年はCollina Strada, Yueqi Qiなど、Gucci Fest で注目される若手ブランドとのコラボレーションを行う。

また、インターナショナルに様々な雑誌、広告・キャンペーンなどで活躍する傍ら、konomadのディレクターとして展示、プロジェクト、POP-UP eventの企画や総合クリエィティブ・ディレクションを手がけていく。 2019年に、黒柳徹子様、HYUKOH、フジコ・ヘミング様など、アーティストのためにオーダーメイド wigを製作。2020年に2冊目の著書 PERSONAS 111 - The Art of Wig Making 2017-2020をkonomad editions より出版。アメリカを始めworldwideに注目を浴びる。 2020年9月 Maison Martin Margiela の選ぶ5人のアーティストの一人に選ばれ、Artisanal Collection のkey cord GENDERLESSを再解釈したオリジナルのウィッグを発表。150冊限定の本 Layered Personas はkonomad shop より購入可能。